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The Nuts have been a source of reliable energy. From the beginning of time, people of royalty or medieval peasants, everyone have their favorite nuts and dry fruits. We all know that the nuts are tremendously versatile. They are the best snack and light to travel with as well. Their use in our cuisine is endless. Their nutritional benefit is high and rich. They are packed with protein and healthy fats. They are fun to add to our desserts or salads. Let’s dig in some more to learn more about our delicious Nuts and Dry Fruits. So nurture your knowledge with these nutty facts!

One of the popular nut is Almonds and it is interesting that almonds need honeybees to polinate them so they can grow. We know how much crucial is bees population to maintain the diverse ecosystem. One always loves a perfect crust when baking, walnuts are a best choice and surprisingly gluten-free as well. SO now you can enjoy the taste of your baking goods and it is gluten-free!

Ancient civilizations and royalties have used the best food available to them in their time. Interestingly, Ancient Greeks believed hazelnuts could treat coughing and baldness. Well one may not know if they got their results and cured baldness or not, but hazelnuts surely are a yummy treat to feast upon. Pistachio is known as "smiling nut" in Iran and "happy nut" in Chinese. They are green because of the high antioxidant chlorophyll content, similar to other vegetables.

The nuts are very good source of heart healthy facts and proteins. The fiber content of the nuts is also very high and they can keep your gut happy and healthy. The cashews have the highest carbohydrate content of all the nuts. While the Brazil nut has the highest source of selenium, a micronutrient mineral essential for healthy body. Ironically, Pecans were actually the first nut to travel on the moon! It was the perfect snack food for astronauts. They are lightweight, can be stored easily, chewy and nutritious.

Nut butters are a great way to consume nuts, they are creamier and a delicious on the bread. Whether you’re roasting them, spreading them on toast or just eating them straight out of the shell, nuts are a tasty and healthy addition to your diet. So now when you are planning a healthy diet, do not forget to include these amazing nuts and also that Wholesome First has them packed with love ready for you and your family.

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